Seven Songs - List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
- PJ Harvey - "Water" (the "The Peel Sessions" version). Love her and it. Hot. And quite possibly wet.
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Dudley". Love YYYs. Love Karen O. Total school girl crush. So many great songs but this one especially tickles my pickle. Bitter, bitter, bitter.
- Kate Bush - "Somewhere in Between". Just beautiful. The perfect accompaniment to late evening hedgerow smells.
- Team Sleep - "Blvd Knights". I've played this song to death but it still makes every hair on my body stand on end. No idea what it's about - must look up the lyrics (something about, "get back in the car .. dadeda.. you know who you are ... lalala ... knock on a star") so I can sing along as I throw myself about.
- Pearl Jam - "Even Flow" - Rocky, snarly, grunty, sexy (yeah it's not supposed to be but it does it for me) brilliance
- Zero 7 - "Distractions" - This song has tormented me for years. I heard it a couple of times, loved it but didn't know who it was. After a few years of suspecting it was Zero 7, I (actually Judge Head) finally got it and I've never been happier.
- Boogie Luv - "Boogie2Nite" - Cheddardance but I love it and I finally got a chance to dance to it on Saturday night at my cousin's wedding and it was a sight to behold I'm told. Oh what japes.
They lyrics to 'Blvd. Nights', in full, are:
With her army complete
She can take me apart
Off through the earth
Then back in the car
Cause once you begin
You're not going to stop
I know how you are
Repeat. Good job the music kicks major ass, innit?
Congratulations on your 'difficult third post' petal. We'll make a blogger of you yet!
No. Thank you. It appears I'm a special needs blogger.
D'you think its about back seat sex with a particularly accomplished hooker? Makes no sense to me.
Funny I thought about back seat sex as well..I must be gaggin' for it or something teehee..
Ha - you and me both. There's bite marks on my monitor1
Calm down, ladies. Unless the two of you want to get a room together! \o/
It could well be about backseat sex, as chubby Chino also wrote about such practices with his 'proper' band: the awesome 'Passenger' by Deftones ft. Maynard James Keenan. To wit:
Drop these down then put them on me
Nice cool seats there to cushion your knees
Now to calm me, take me round again
Don't pull over, this time won't you please
Drive... faster.
Sigh, everyone's horned-up.
You are not helping
I recommend the new rabbit...
haha, dont have it just got an ann summers reminder.
God, now it looks like I'm addicted to Ann Summers...
O. What colour is it?
This is like the bygone days of RoboCock(TM)!
Oh Jesus Robocock...don't ever mention that again lol..
It's Pink Robyn, and it's called "the wave"...I got an email telling me it was national orgasm week telling me all about it!!
'Part Man. Part Machine. All Cock.' :P
National Orgasm Week? It's probably a fake. AHA HA HA HAAAH!
Who is Robocock and when can I meet him? Pink and wavy you say? - if it doesn't work out with Robocock maybe I will get me one a them
RoboCock is a special, well, 'tool' that a friend of mine once owned. Not sure if it was ever employed, but hell, its legend remains nonethless.
If I were a Transformer (Decepticon, of course), I'd be able to turn into a vibrator. But what could they call me? Wetwave? Orgasmatron? Slipstream? Utlra Manual? Stimulator? Actually I think some of those names are copyrighted...
Can you show me your 3D stimulator please Neil
*collapses again*
On no! Did you break it in the fall? If you were getting it out I was gonna take a look too.
I thought it was about a female mechanic.
It must be an age thing....
Hey Robyn,
I tried to email you there, but it was getting returned...
Thanks for stopping by the site again, the new ones are all a bit creepy indeed.
I only took a few on Saturday last, they weren't the best, but you can see one as my new profile page pic, did you have a look at that page?
Hope you had a good weekend..They are soo damn short!
ARMT - I see where you're coming from with the mechanic thing. But are you frisky? - that is the burning question!! You're manny's a cabinet maker so I'm thinking, def -fin - ately - gnarly hands an all. (Sorry, if that's a bit forward but I think you understand)
Karen - Hmmm... I don't think my email is working. I'm talking nicely to Big Brain in the hope that he'll sort it. Hang on.... Love the lighting on the new profile pic. It's a cool photo but doesn't look like you at all - what do you think?
I'm glad you think it doesn't look like me, because I think I look a bit rough in it haha! I look all tired aged hehe!
I liked the photo as well so the looks has to take a back seat ;)
You don't look rough, saus - just not yourself! Good for you for posting it if you think you look bad.I've just seen a picture of me at my cousin's wedding and I'm busy plotting to ensure it never sees the light of day AGAIN. Might give a copy to my chum to flash at her wee girl when she's being bad - it gives me the fear so should work a treat on a three year old!! Hope you're having a fab week.
Doing a lot of thinking this week..
Want to do a 3 yr HND in Photography, but it only runs on one full day, a Tuesday!
Trying to pluck up the courage to ask my boss...
Have you had anymore career thoughts? what does Robyn reaaaaally want to do :)
Legends tell of a blog that used to exist here. The elders say it had several posts and everything.
I say its just a myth. All we have is a record attempt on how many replies can be fitted to a meme!
Prove me wrong.
McGrathy wins the post!
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